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Contribute to climate change & COVID-19 research from home during lockdown

Being cooped up inside, either self-isolating or working from home, can make many of us feel anxious and stir-crazy. Research shows how good being out in nature is for our mental health, but it's important to listen to the  current public health guidelines and stay home where required. If you have some natural spaces close to your home, we have created a ClimateWatch guideline for physical distancing:



We wanted to share this great article about the many citizen science projects that can help us feel connected and give us purpose during a pandemic. Published in The Conversation by researchers across Australia, the article highlights how citizen science programs, like ClimateWatch, can be a good self-isolating activity where people of all ages can get involved.

"Apart from being a valuable way to pass time while self-isolating, citizen science reminds us of the importance of community and collaboration at a time it’s desperately needed."

The Australian Citizen Science Association also has a list of programs that people can join, and educators and home-schoolers can use many of our Earthwatch teaching resources for free.

If you would like to be trained as a ClimateWatch data curator while self-isolating, get in touch with us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Join us in ClimateWatching from your backyards and neighbourhoods (while physical distancing, of course). Let's keep taking climate action!