Smartphone or device
First, download the app and create an account.
Second, click the + icon to add your spot and take a clear and close photo of the species. The app will ask you to choose the species you are observing, fill in the required information, and bam! You’ve just contributed to climate change science and it's that easy.
In the near future, you can click on the different flora and fauna species for an in-depth description and photos to help with the identification of species. This information is in much greater detail on each of the species pages on the website. Familiarise yourself with just a few species at first to build your confidence.
Search for species in the drop-down species menu. Once you have identified the correct species, click 'Observations' and this will take you to the map, enter your login details or register for an account on the left-hand side. Then add your spot and fill in all of the required fields for your sighting. Don’t forget to upload a clear photo and location of the sighting.