Coastal Tea-tree (Leptospermum laevigatum) Nadiah Roslan

Randwick Environmental Park, NSW

We have worked with Randwick City Council to create this ClimateWatch trail at Randwick Environmental Park, a bushland and wetland providing valuable habitat for wildlife to live and the community to enjoy. This trail contains 3.6 ha of Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub, a critically endangered ecological community.


Contribute to citizen science while experiencing the parkland, bushland and wetland, home to many native plants and animals. Users can walk around the path bordering the inside oval or complete a 1.3 km loop taking in the wetland and sustainability hub. Access is via the corner of Dooligah to the north, Lomandra Place to the east or Joongah St to the south, Randwick

How to get involved

This is a public ClimateWatch trail. If your school is interested in visiting the site, please notify Council prior to your visit

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See species on this trail