The wetlands consist of three separate water bodies of various sizes and character, linked by bluestone channels, and a weir on Hedgeley Dene Drain.
Fallen dead trees, nesting boxes, and an island were incorporated into the wetlands development to provide birdlife with safe nesting sites inaccessible to humans and their pets. A wide variety of birds visit the area, including white-necked herons, little cormorants, little grebes, and more. The birdlife will increase in number and diversify as the wetlands continue to mature and evolve and provide more shelter and food.
Eastern Banjo Frog in the Wetlands © City of Stonnington
This ClimateWatch trail was created as part of Biodiversity Monitoring in Melbourne's East by the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (EAGA). The project won the Government category for the 2016 Victorian Premier's Sustainability Awards, as well as the Local Government category in the 2016 United Nations Association of Australia World Environment Day Awards.
How to get involved
This is a public ClimateWatch trail that you can visit whenever you like. If your school is interested in visiting the site through Stonnington Council area and is interested in visiting the site through Council's Sustainable Schools Program, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This ClimateWatch trail was developed with: