With native bushland right on campus, Murdoch University is an ideal location for recording ClimateWatch indicator species such as the endangered Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo, WA Christmas Tree and Cowslip Orchid.
Murdoch Environmental Restoration Group (MERG) and Earthwatch are excited to deliver this new ClimateWatch trail to Murdoch's Perth campus, a location that features important remnant Banksia Woodland habitat that were once prolific across the Swan Coastal Plain.

Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo. R Johnstone
How to get involved?
The trail provides opportunity for educators and students to get involved in climate change science, monitor local biodiversity and contribute observations towards the first continental-scale citizen science phenology study in the Southern Hemisphere.
For more information on MERG and the activities you can get involved with on campus, visit www.murdochguild.com.au/clubs/merg/

See species on this trail